Sunday, January 13, 2008

Weekend Wrap-Up …

Weekend Buzz ...

from Friday night’s program:

About half of the program on Friday consisted of reporting of the murder of Cpl. Maria Lauterbach and the search for suspect Cpl. Cesar Armando Laurean. A great deal of activity has happened over the weekend, with her body being recovered from a shallow grave in Laurean’s backyard, and Laurean allegedly being ‘spotted’ in Shreveport.

There are so many horrific and outrageous details already known about this story, and unfortunately, there will probably be many more discovered over the course of time. But on Friday evening, the interviews that Anderson had with Onslow County DA Dewey Hudson and Sheriff Ed Brown about the status of the case were very timely. He also interviewed CNN Security Analyst Mike Brooks and Military Law Attorney Eugene Fidell about civilian vs. military jurisdiction in this case, among other topics.

Gary Tuchman contributed a "digging deeper" segment about the prevalance of violence and murder in relation to pregnant women - and the fact that murder (as opposed to illness or accident) is the leading cause of death of pregnant woman - and why that's the case.

Joe Johns then had a report about the shift in the Presidential candidates’ focus from the Iraq War to the economy.

Anderson also interviewed Jonathan Martin from about the economic policies of the candidates. Jonathan also commented about the ‘shift’ to economic stump speeches now that the races have moved into Michigan and South Carolina. They also discussed Bill Clinton’s ‘backtracking’ about his recent “fairy tale” characterization of Barack Obama’s stand on Iraq … that’s not quite the way I certainly interpreted the original remark, but that’ll be up to others to decide if it really makes a difference. Personally, pragmatist that I am, I’d rather focus on the real issues.

Anderson's interview with freed American Eric Volz aired on Friday night. Just hearing the brief details from Eric is enough to understand how frightening the experience must have been in that Nicaraguan jail - and how hopeless it must have seemed that justice would end up prevailing. Thankfully, his mother had the persistence to endure many setbacks before securing his release.

OJ is back in Las Vegas – and back in jail. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. Anderson spoke with Jim Moret from Inside Edition about what led to this happening. Apparently, even though given specific directives from the judge not to contact anyone involved in the case, OJ still went ahead and left a voicemail message with his bail bondsman for one of the co-defendents, possibly trying to coerce the co-defendant to not cooperate with authorities. It really takes someone with the brains of a flea to do something like that – honestly it does. So OJ is where he deserves to be, for the moment.

We saw a Reporter’s Notebook from Zain Verjee – about her recent time spent in Kenya. She chronicles how strange and different it is now, to see burned buildings, empty open-air markets, parks filled with soldiers and empty beaches. IMHO - It’s very discouraging to see what used to be such a model of peace on the African continent become another haven of violence – there are far too many there already.

The “Beat 360°” winner was as follows (wonder what kind of caption contests we’ll see this week?):

A review of Anderson’s "60 Minutes" piece tonight about the war against women in the Congo to follow!

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