Tuesday, January 8, 2008

the invasion of New Hampshire ...

Today’s Buzz ...

From last night’s program – live from Manchester, NH:

I hope no one was surprised to see all of the Ron Paul supporters and signs surrounding the scene last night? Gosh, they are dedicated, if nothing else ...

It was also no surprise that most of the program focused on a round-up of last minute appearances and speeches and persuasion of leading contenders to voters in today’s NH primary.

Anderson had the opportunity to speak with both Mitt Romney and John Edwards yesterday:

John King had an interesting report on how the GOP is already starting to recalibrate its ‘attack machine” (and yes, the Democrats have the same) towards Barack Obama and away from Hillary Clinton.

There was discussion with Candy Crowley about Hillary’s ‘emotional moment’ during the day; I’ve probably done my share of Hillary-bashing and I’m going to purposefully leave this one alone, not because I feel sorry for her, but because I’d rather reserve my comments for more substantial issues and moments. Although I think the reaction to it all is interesting – even the fact that it’s ‘mentioned’ is interesting in and of itself.

I was particularly interested in Randi Kaye’s piece about the “female” vote, and that when it comes right down to it, there isn’t as much of an unspoken ‘sisterhood of support’ for a female candidate as one might expect. And one of the reasons among younger women she cited was especially interesting – about the fact that many of them simply haven’t experienced the same level of ‘covert discrimination’ that many older women have, and therefore don’t automatically subscribe to the “it’s time for a woman to be President” argument.

Joe Johns had a good report about McCain’s resurgence – and the fact that McCain hasn’t necessarily changed positions from those that seemed so unpopular just a few months ago, but combination of circumstances around him having changed, as well as the usual ‘volatility’ of a political race, have allowed him to become viable once again.

Tom Foreman was on duty in Dixville Notch last night – the post-midnight result for the 17 available votes was:

Democrats: Obama: 7 votes, Edwards: 2 votes, Richardson: 1 vote
Republicans: McCain: 4 votes, Romney: 2 votes, Giuliani: 1 vote

It was great to see Gary Tuchman reporting the 360° Bulletin last night!!

Anderson posted a video blog yesterday – as he was traveling in NH with (clockwise from top right) producer Claire Brinberg, photojournalist Neil Hallsworth (who I’m sure has received many marriage proposals since yesterday) and senior producer Charlie Moore:

Well, tonight’s the night (that’s a Rod Stewart song, right?) – or at least one of many – and anticipation is high – the reports I’m hearing from CNN TV is that there is already a record turnout – this is getting good and it’s great to hear about people continuing to get involved - regardless of where you stand on candidates or issues!!

Just a quick 'visual' from last night's return of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report - both Jon and Stephen did very well under the circumstances - but I'm not sure how long they can really 'last' without writers??

Thanks for visiting - updates posted as needed - have a terrific day!

1 comment:

Stardust said...

Newsblooz: Ron Paul’s supporters obviously know where the "action" is!

I wish these candidates who are advocating change would get specific! What does change mean to them and how would they try and implement it? Until I hear answers to those questions “change” remains just a word. Mitt Romney is living in fantasyland if he thinks that he, a corporate executive who defends the pharmaceutical companies, can be an agent for change! Cars may have changed, but as far as politicians are concerned he still looks like the old “model” to me.

The report on the women's vote and Hillary Clinton was interesting. The next thing I'd like to see is an examination of the Black vote to find out the reason why Blacks are voting overwhelmingly for Obama. Since no one has really grilled him on the issues or his record it looks like it is all about race. It has even crossed party lines yesterday with Colin Powell’s comment that he was “impressed” with Obama. Although he says it is not an endorsement, it comes as close as you get without being one. Sadly, I have sensed this same bias recently among Blacks in the media as well. I hate to see race used as an excuse to vote against or in favor of anyone; I wish we were beyond that. However, I don’t think that our country can afford to set aside experience and qualifications in favor of “making history,” at this particular time.

It is always a joy to see Gary doing the 360ºBulletin!

I can’t believe that I got so caught up in the election coverage I missed Jon and Stephen!