Friday, December 7, 2007

And the praise starts rolling in for "Heroes" ...

And well deserved it is!! Here's a sampling of feedback sent in to CNN so far today:

Viewers praise CNN Heroes tribute

(CNN) -- Here is a selection of comments e-mailed to CNN following the global telecast of "CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute."

"CNN Heroes was the best program that I have seen in a really long time. Thank you so much for putting the spotlight on such amazing and inspiring people. It is so easy to forget that there is good in the world until you see these types of stories and see what one person can do. It was also a great choice to have Christiane Amanpour and Anderson Cooper as the hosts. Please make this program a regular event. Thank you."

"I was a guest last night of Sheryl [Crow], so was sitting in the second row of the event (right next to [Jimmy] Smits). I don't know if the event had the same impact on people viewing from home as it did sitting in seat F210, but it was truly the most emotional and impactful event I've been to ... and I've been to a lot. Kudos to Anderson and Christiane for raising the awareness of the great things that everyday people are doing. I truly believe it will cause more people to believe that, no matter how small, EVERYONE can make a difference."

"I enjoyed the award show very much. I want to say specifically that I was touched in my heart by words spoken by Deepak Chopra, " ... from compassion comes love and from love comes healing." THAT is a truth that can span all financial, cultural, educational, ethnic and religious gaps. For me it was the most powerful statement made and it will stay with me and give me strength to continue trying to make what differences I can, big or small. THANK YOU!"

"YES!!! Finally an award show worth watching! Thank you for honoring these humanitarian heroes and giving our children some real "role models." A powerful influence to see people getting fame and media attention for what they did right! THANK YOU!!!"

"Simply Amazing! Thanks for sharing these stores."

"Thank you CNN for honoring those who make headlines doing incredible deeds of humanity and love -- not just grisly deeds as is often the norm. CNN distinguishes itself not only as an amazing network of news, but of people too."

"Thank you for the wonderful stories on CNN Heroes. I cried through each one of them. How can I donate to some of these causes so I can help in some small way?"

"I can't believe that we've finally got an award show that has real substance and inspiration. This is not only inspiring, but it's emotionally moving, informative and powerful in so many ways. This is what the world's priorities should be. I cried from the beginning to end and I hope many others feel the same way. The only way to save our world and those in it is to pull our hearts and minds together to realize the truly important things in our lives and the world. Helping others in need should be a tremendously higher priority than it currently is. I love that these people are being recognized for what they're doing because they truly ARE heroes in this world. The real heroes, not sports heroes, not movie heroes. But real life-saving, human-spirit-finding heroes. This is truly the best awards show I've ever seen in my life. Please keep it running for years to come."

"I was moved to tears as I watched the CNN Heroes awards presentation last night. What you have done has spoken volumes, and eyes have been opened to see the needs that are out there. I express my gratitude to all of them for the way they have inspired me to make a difference wherever I am. As a Kenyan lady I will continue to touch lives as there is need at all times. Thank you for your wonderful big hearts. Thank you for being a blessing to me."

"Thank you, CNN, for producing such an inspirational show. I can't tell you what a relief it is to see positive, warm, uplifting stories in amongst a sea of war, depravity, death and negativity that we're usually subjected to. I urge you to continue this trend -- it's bound to have a global heart-warming effect! Many congratulations!"

"I want to extend my congratulations on presenting the CNN Heroes program last night. It was, without a doubt, one of the best TV programs I have watched in years. From the 7,000-plus nominations you had to choose from, you picked some of the most amazing people on the face of the earth. Their efforts, no matter what venue, should serve as an example for all of us to follow, no matter where we reside in this world. Congratulations on an outstanding job."

"One word to describe my thoughts on CNN Heroes -- WOW! From the initial concept to the presentation last night was wonderful. But for me what really stood out was the individuals nominated and honored last evening. "Meeting" these people over the past couple of months has been inspiring and makes one realize that even though our world seems troubled and full of grief at times, as long as there are so many wonderful people doing exceptional things it really isn't that bad of a world after all."

"Heroes awards show was the best ... all extraordinary people making a difference in our world ... the "real stars" of our world ... thanks so much in leading the way to recognize "real heroes" ... thank you thank you thank you"

"Wow! I'm still overwhelmed by your tribute to ordinary/extraordinary people. We need more news, every day, about the olive branch and less about the weapons of destruction. You may be on to something to influence the twisted mindset in our world today. I challenge you to become the "hero network" we're all waiting for. Thank you for the difference."

"Thank you so much for your Heroes special. What great television. What special people. Well done CNN!!!!!!"

"The CNN Heroes special was outstanding. Each story I viewed was incredibly inspiring. I think that one of the best ways our media can impact our society positively is when it calls out the best in us and inspires us to make our world a better place. This "Heroes" special event is exactly the kind of television program we need more of."

"Thank you CNN for the Heroes tribute gala, a show that celebrates the core of being human. It was so nice to see such an uplifting show with a discernible ethic and an emphasis on the important."

"Thank you, Thank you ... Your program about today's heroes is so refreshing. No more Britney Spears or Paris Hilton. Thanks for bring us some good news for once. Maybe we won't have so much depression in our society if you report the good stuff !!!"

"I can't express enough how inspiring your Heroes presentation was for me. It gave me hope when I was starting to lose it. The people chosen for the honor were not only unselfish, but so humble. They all brought me to tears and I am not a "mushy" person. Now we all need to do our part no matter how big or small."

"CNN Heroes -- BRAVO!!!!!"

"Hi Anderson, I know you do not like accolades but to my mind you are a hero, because every day you bring out in the open the humanity in the world. Thank you for putting a human face to news."

"This tribute towards everyday heroes brings happiness and hope in my life. With my knowledge now that changes are being made all over the world ... I am going to make a change ... a change in my world."

"CNN Heroes show ... best award show ever ... forget the Grammys, Oscars, etc. ... This show truly showcases REAL champions that should be placed upon our shoulders and honored. I don't know if Ted Turner expected to do this with a network ... However this is truly GREAT!"

"At last, a TV award show to honor such brave people. Thank you. Keep this going each year."

"In simple words it was soul food watching this show. I can't remember the last time I felt this way."

"I wish to give CNN a heartfelt thanks for the heartwarming Heroes program. It is a great tribute to these amazing people and I hope that it will become an annual event. Thank you again for this wonderful program."

"I'm currently watching your CNN Heroes show. Thank you for giving air time to topics of substance and for documenting the inspiring accomplishments of individuals who, with their unselfish actions, have made a difference in their communities. More coverage of this sort is so sorely needed! Hats off to CNN."

"Thank you so much!!!!"

"This special was so inspiring, so touching, so moving! Why can't the media do this more often? In a culture that has become so dumbed down, so plastic, so individualistic and selfish, this program shows how great America and the world could be. PLEASE keep up the amazing work and thanks to all the heroes everywhere!"

"What a FABULOUS show highlighting everyday heroes! I'm inspired and appreciate that CNN rewards those non-celebrities who make a HUGE difference in the world. We should continue to applaud these HEROES and CNN makes it happen. Thank you!"

"At last -- something positive on the television -- so many good examples of what humankind can be presented without "spin." Thank you."

"This show has been an inspiration to say the very least. What an amazing display of humanity. CNN you hit the nail on the head! It is beyond refreshing to see that people still have good in them. Congratulations on your achievement to bring real Heroes to light!!!!"

"This is the first time in my life to comment on anything on TV. I thank the people who put it together and CNN for broadcasting it was very touching. I have always liked Anderson Cooper anyway. Thanks a lot CNN for showing that you don't need a million dollars to make a difference."

"What an incredible exhibit of philanthropy! With all the negative news in the world, as often portrayed in the news, this was an awesome display of hope for the world. Truly a moving event which will inspire many to contribute to a better world! Kudos to CNN for making something positive a priority in the news."

"I just want to say kudos to everyone at CNN for your Heroes initiative. You are to be commended for honoring all that is good in humanity in a world where it is often overshadowed and overwhelmed."

"The Everyday Hero presentation tonight was unbelievable, touching, moving and inspiring. GOOD FOR CNN for doing such a thing -- allowing each of us to experience the joy of the heroes helping others!!!!"

"I am a teacher, and I just want to applaud you for producing your inspiring show, Heroes, that reported GOOD news and the work of good people in the world. Please continue to report good news. You have a voice and a responsibility to inspire goodness. Bravo on tonight's show!"

"Thank you for the inspiration. Started watching and couldn't turn my attention away even with a university paper due tomorrow. I don't regret it, best awards television program I've seen. Keep it up!"

"What a great thing to do. Kudos to those who realized the importance of highlighting everyday people who do extraordinary things. Eventually, we will come to realize that there are more heroes than one could ever imagine. Who knows? Perhaps this will inspire others to look at the world with different eyes. After all, why should the focus remain only on those who commit crimes."

"WOW! I had a chance to watch the CNN Heroes, and must say what a fantastic job CNN has done. It was raw, real and inspiring. The commentary from the participants was refreshing, and so much more enjoyable and visionary than any pundit I have watched on your channel (apologize to the pundits!) Keep up the good work, this is much better than celebrity building, and is the real positive point of the USA, the saving grace, that is the strength and historic symbol ... hope."


"In a good way ... you are transforming the face of CNN ... you are transforming the face of television. You are also a HERO."

"At a time when it seems that the world lacks inspirational leadership, CNN's Anderson Cooper and Christiane Amanpour have put together a most inspiring presentation on ordinary citizen type heroes. I congratulate you all at CNN for your extraordinary program. Keep inspiring us ordinary people to do even more extraordinary things to create a better world."

"CNN Heroes was outstanding -- first awards show I've ever actually paid attention to and enjoyed. So nice (and rare) to see people who are truly inspirational and deserving of publicity. Thanks very much for doing it -- I hope it will be an annual event."

"CNN has done an impressive and outstanding work in recognizing the unsung heroes all over the world. These people truly deserve recognition for their selfless service to humanity. I hope that this event repeats itself in years to come because I believe that this is an encouragement to the ones who do/did the work and an inspiration and motivation for the rest of us. Kudos to the individuals who pioneered CNN Heroes. I gave up my holiday shopping spree only to watch this event and I do not regret my decision in spite of missing some of the sales out there :). I was moved and encouraged to listen to the many stories tonight, and I hope to serve similarly someday!!! Keep up the good work."

"Just wanted to thank CNN for the investment and commitment they made in recognizing the beauty and strength in humanity. The celebration was respectful and inspirational. Thank you for not minimizing these amazing people by staging an event of "stars" that would have minimized the true stars. I hope you continue these efforts into the future."

"This show was by far one of the most important programs on television. Your dedication to finding the "real" heroes in our world touched and inspired our entire household. These are the stories that need to be in the headlines. These are the stories that news should chase and uncover. Every single one of those honored was an example of true dignity, humility, integrity, compassion, courage and humanity."

"It is with overflowing tear-filled eyes that I write to share how poignant the Heroes show was and to express my hope that videos of the show will be made available with further background info on many Heroes and runners-up for the world to purchase at what I hope will be discounted rates -- to SHARE with the world what WE can do by the examples of our Heroes as shown on CNN."

"Tonight's tribute to the everyday heroes of the world highlights the best in our common humanity, reminds us that each person has the potential to make a contribution, and renews our hope in a better tomorrow. Congratulations to CNN for lighting the way to help us rekindle the best in ourselves."

"Your Heroes program tonight blew me away. What an amazing accomplishment. Thank you to all at CNN who imagined this series and made it happen. Thank you for using your resources and talents to expand and inspire global consciousness, compassion and service on behalf of others. I hope you will be releasing this program on DVD so that those of us who were fortunate enough to see the program tonight can share it with others."

"THANK YOU for the Heroes presentation -- it was wonderfully encouraging, impressive, inspirational, classy and extremely well done -- please do it again every year! I can't tell you how happy I was to see something so positive given such a high profile."

And the write-up at TV Newser today is quite complimentary as well:

Where else can you see Christiane Amanpour dancing with an African nun under a mounted whale? It happened last night at the Museum of Natural History in New York.

The CNN correspondent was enjoying the moment with a hero. Sr. Rosemary Nyirumbe was one of 10 CNN Heroes honored during an awards show broadcast on CNN and CNN International last night. (The show will be rebroadcast tonight at 8pmET.) Sr. Rosemary received the Community Crusader award for her work rescuing and educating Ugandan girls caught up in war. All the heroes were feted at a reception in the museum's "Hall of Ocean Life."

The event, co-hosted by Anderson Cooper and Amanpour, featured an all-star list of presenters including Glenn Close, Jimmy Smits, Kyra Sedgwick, Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York and Harry Connick Jr (who told the assembled press his hero is Sen. Barack Obama. "He's doing some heroic things," Connick said.)

But the stars were overshadowed by the honorees: a teenager who invented a teaching tool to help her autistic cousin; a man who jumped on the subway tracks to save another man's life; a Virginia Tech student who risked his own life to save others. Producers skillfully intertwined global challenges with topical news that CNN covers everyday.

In an emotional introduction to the story of Virgina Tech student Zach Petkewicz, presenter Mira Sorvino honored the memory of those killed in the shooting spree in Omaha just a day before.

The awards show itself was more moving than any you'll see over the next few months; with powerful writing, compelling storytelling and heart-felt acceptance speeches that would make any Hollywood-type blush. The show ran 45 minutes longer than planned. No problem CNN/U.S. president Jon Klein tells TVNewser. It's cable after all.

After the awards, Cooper anchored an abbreviated AC360 from the stage, before joining guests at the post-show reception.

More than a year in the making, Heroes began with 7,000 entries, from 93 countries before being narrowed to 18 finalists. Klein says Heroes will be a winner no matter what the ratings are. Klein's boss, CNN Worldwide president Jim Walton told him, "make it big." Plans are already in the works for next year.

The culmination of the event, the Heroes' Hero award, was presented to Christopher and Dana Reeve for their tireless work for spinal cord research. The award was accepted by Reeve's adult children Alexandra and Matthew.

All 18 finalists received a $10,000 cash grant from CNN and the six Heroes selected will each receive an additional $25,000. CNN went one better, donating $250,000 to the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation.

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