Sunday, October 21, 2007

the miracle of Plumpynut ...

Who knew that peanut butter, powdered milk, and powdered sugar - fortified with vitamins and minerals - would prove to be such a powerful cure AND preventer of global malnutrition? As posted yesterday, Anderson's report on the miracle food known as Plumpynut aired this evening on 60 Minutes. And it was a terrific piece with a happy ending!!!

In growing numbers over the past three years, children in Niger have been able to avoid the kind of developmental problems that occur in conjunction with severe malnutrition - by getting nutrition from this peanut-based paste called Plumpynut. There has also been a marked decrease in the number of malnutrition-caused child deaths. Of course, it can't save all of the worst cases of starvation, but those helped (and saved) far outweigh any other outcome.

It's amazing what a little pro-active ingenuity can accomplish!!

In addition to intervieing Dr. Milton Tectonidis from Doctors Without Borders, Anderson also spoke with Dr. Susan Shepard, who is in charge of all DWB operations in Niger.

I will never (ever) forget three hospitalized children named Aminu, Habu and Rashidu from Anderson's visit to Niger back in August 2005. They were all very weak and had compromised immune systems due to severe malunutrition. And I have no qualms about saying that I shed many tears when I heard that Aminu had died. So to see this story about breaking that cycle - well, it makes me happy almost beyond words. :: BIG :-) ::

Back to Planet in Peril ...

There's a very good article in today's Washington Post about the upcoming PIP documentary.

I admit that since I'm writing a blog myself now (or trying to!), I haven't been paying as close attention to the AC360° blog as I used to, particularly since I have a live feed into it from the blog, but PIP photographer Phillip Littleton has a great post about some of the stories and impressions that he & Neil Hallsworth will be able to take from their own work on the project.

PIP - covered on LKL ...

On Wednesday, Larry King Live will have Anderson Cooper, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Animal Planet's Jeff Corwin, actor Orlando Bloom and environmental activist Heather Mills as guests, to discuss the Planet in Peril documentary. You can send in a question via e-mail, or send in a video question! This roundtable will take place just prior to Part 2 of the documentary.

"Candidate" Colbert does MTP ...

And since I mentioned it oh-so-briefly on Friday, Stephen was interviewed on Meet The Press earlier today, and since he was in character as "Stephen Colbert" - it was a 'war' of wits. And the invdividual with the initails of SC "won", but Tim Russert held his own ... he was actually a good sport in playing along, questioning Stephen about his 'platform', where he stands on the issues, etc. They also showed a picture of Stephen taken from (probably) 20 years ago, and Tim asked about his statement at that point in time about wanting to start a 'cult'!

And I'm still laughing ... "electile dysfunction", huh?

So he'd "trade-in" his one delegate (if he wins one) for the chance to speak at the Democratic convention, huh? Now there's a historical moment for you ... ;-) Heavy stuff ;-)

You can access the "Take Two" video that has the interview with the "real" Stephen Colbert from MTP's homepage ...

AND - in 'related' good news - Jon Stewart has extended his Comedy Central contract for 'The Daily Show' through 2010!!!

Thanks for visiting - hope you had a fantastic weekend!!

1 comment:

Stardust said...

Newsblooz: In my opinion, this was the best "60 Minutes" report Anderson has done to date. It was so nice to see him working on a report with a happy ending! Dr. Tectonidis sounded so enthusiastic about the prospects of Plumpynut; I hope that the US and the EU will heed his suggestion and spend part of their food aid on it. It makes so much sense, especially in countries where it is needed the most.

Just as you did, when I watched the report I couldn't help but think about Rashidu, Aminu, and Habu and how much they suffered. Thank you for printing their pictures. It broke my heart to watch Rashida Mahmadou's little body succumb to malnutrition; however, I was delighted to see children like Mansour Miko and Maroufee Mazoo who have been saved by Plumpynut.

Anderson’s “encounter” with little Husseina was precious! I think she could tell that Anderson probably has had little experience holding a baby and she let him know it!

All of the caps were great!

I really enjoyed Philip Littleton’s 360° blog post! I wish more of the technical crew would post to the 360° blog; it is very interesting to hear things from their side of the camera lens.

I am looking forward to the roundtable discussion on LK Wednesday; it should prove to be very interesting.

I loved Sunday’s "Meet the Press" interview with Stephen Colbert! Tim really gave Stephen a run for his money! I wonder if Stephen knew that old photo was coming?

“Electile dysfunction” was hilarious, but I just about lost it when he said, “And if Iowa and New Hampshire don’t like that, they can take some of that Iowa corn and stick it right up their Dixville Notch.”

I enjoyed the “Take Two” as well. It was interesting to hear him talk about how he uses his alter ego.