Thursday, October 18, 2007

“Starting World War III …”

Well, if it works for “W” to get attention, then shouldn't it work elsewhere, too?

  • From last night’s program:
Wild weather report – I know it’s my bias here, but I’m just not inclined to think of CNN as my “weather source”. When they can start predicting earthquakes, they’ll have my full and undivided attention!! Nonetheless, it was good to know that even though the hour started with tornado watches and warnings, no updates had to be given, and no significant damage was reported.

WWIII – Or, in more accurate terms, George W. Bush’s quest for continuing relevance ...

Not that he’s needed to care about what he says since he was re-elected, but in his remaining fifteen lame duck months, it’s obvious that he’s going to do whatever it takes to ensure that history will deem this presidency as the worst that there has ever been, up to this date. That’s not what “W” believes, but the grandchildren of Ken Burns will be able to make multiple documentaries about the self-centered, closed-minded, fear-mongering arrogance of this elected dictator.

Pop quiz – “Use the words Barnstable and Nantucket in a sentence.” Which two very small, very remote and very non-vital airports in Massachusetts will have $8 million dollars in federal earmarks spent to repair their control towers this year? CORRECT you are! And why? Because those airports are used extensively by Senators Kenney and Kerry. And let’s not forget the $3.5 million dollars in federal earmarks appropriated to building an airport in Acutan (AK), courtesy of Senator “Bridge to Nowhere” Stevens. And why there? Well, it seems that Stevens campaign contributor Trident Seafoods owns one of the world’s largest seafood processing plants there. And the trade-off? Major US airports that are desperately in need of infrastructure improvements to help ease increasing travel delays - will have to wait their turn. Think about that the next time your flight is two hours late, you’re surrounded by other frustrated travelers, and your toddler is screaming her head off ...

"Superbug" – this sounds like a cartoon – sorry that it’s a serious subject. I always knew that staph infections could easily become serious, but the info on this particular antibiotic-resistant strain (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus or MRSA) is slightly alarming. Thankfully it’s not transmitted through the air, and we know that the vast majority of incidents occur within a hospital setting and that the age-old preventive action of hand-washing goes far to help prevent it from spreading.

News bulletin – I’m just mentioning this because of what happened towards the end of the filming of that segment – someone walked right in front of the camera – and Anderson – it was just one of those surreal moments ...

“Meeting Resistance” – this is a film from Steve Connors and Molly Bingham that chronicles their research into the formation of and continuance of the Iraqi insurgency. Through interviews with early insurgents and other extensive research, they have put together a film that helps to explain the question of why the insurgency started and what keeps it going. They delve into the beliefs and values and cultural norms of those who are involved, and why the invasion and occupation of their homeland by a non-Muslim force causes them to feel helpless and violated. The film is being shown to US troops in Iraq, to help them gain better insight into the momentum that this movement continues to have in that country.

Anderson also discussed the film with Michael Ware, who astutely commented that Iraqi national pride has been grossly underestimated, that the disbanding of the Iraqi military was an enormous mistake, and that in spite of all the efforts made otherwise, the big winner (so far) in this action has been Iran.

And as a “human” comment amongst the military rhetoric – it’s nice to see Michael still smiling:

PIP preview – OK – I know that Jeff Corwin & the scientists from the US Geological Survey were only tranquilizing the polar bears, and that they were never in any danger (the bears or the people), and that it was done to help study the effects of climate change on polar bears. But it’s still tough to watch it all happen. Six more days to go until Planet in Peril premieres!!!!

Thanks for visiting – hope you had a terrific day!!


Stardust said...

I am in Ohio and so far so good!

George Bush might be a lame duck president, but he sure is making life miserable for the democratically controlled Congress. They need to start showing some backbone, even if they don’t have the votes.

After the last election I would have never believed that at this time the Congress would have a lower approval rating than this lame brained president!

I emailed my government officials concerning their earmark requests, but I only received one response telling me I could find them in the Library of Congress.

Love the caps of the mysterious “walk-by!”

I would love to see “Meeting Resistance,” but I am sure it is in limited release. Our neighborhood multiplexes never seem to have room for a movie of this caliber.

Sweet photo of Michael!

As a devoted animal lover I know what you mean about watching the polar bears being tranquilized! Those poor things; they don’t understand it, but it is for their own good!

newsblooz said...

I would really like to see "Meeting Resistance" as well. Anderson opened the segment on 360 by asking how we (meaning Americans) would feel if the US was suddenly occupied by a foreign military force? People need to THINK about that ...

I hope there'll be more pics of a smiling Michael Ware - I so admire his courage and his honesty, blunt as it may seem at times.

I think the reason that the polar bear footage bothers me is because you know that they're absolutely terrified, and (silly as this sounds) there's no way to let THEM know that it'll all be OK!!! :-(