Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Disagreements Galore …

Today’s Buzz ...

Well, since this is late (for me) – it’ll be rather quick ... I’ll start by saying that it’s rare when I pretty much disagree all the way around with various opinions stated on 360°...
  • From last night’s program ...

Item # 1 – Why are we still talking about (and covering) Senator Larry Craig? So he gave an interview to Matt Lauer? That took guts. And he’s not running again? Now there’s a news alert. It’s time to leave this hypocrite to wallow in his fantasies of legal victory and moral superiority, and move on. As Candy Crowley aptly stated, he’ll be a “sideshow” during the 2008 election cycle, if anything.

Item # 2 – I guess I’m in the minority of people who think that Hillary Clinton is unstoppable - only if she’s allowed to be unstoppable. At least for the Democratic nomination. But I just have this lingering thought that if there is any kind of terrorist action against the US within six weeks of the election, then Judith Giuliani will be picking out the West Wing’s new curtains in 2009.

And since when do we want a President that doesn’t sound like a law professor? According to Paul Begala, that’s what he’d like to see. And that's why he thinks that Barack Obama hasn’t polled better nationally – yet. Because he communicates too “philosophically.” Hey Paul – we’ve had almost eight years of the “accessible” candidate in the White House – give me the law professor that makes me proud to hear him (or her) speak – instead of cringe.

Item # 3 – I just don’t like the order of the upcoming primaries. The concept of “Super Tuesday” has gotten out of hand. Why can’t we ROTATE the order of the party primaries?? That would help to ease this incessant “jockeying” for position among the states to be first, or as close to the beginning of the season as possible. And you wouldn’t always have “Wonder Bread” states like Iowa and New Hampshire ‘setting the tone’ for many of the subsequent primary races.

Item # 4 – Cardinal Roger Mahoney should be ex-communicated. All of his “earthly” wealth, and that of his many staff members and other LA church ‘officials’, should be seized and returned to the church immediately, as a down payment for the millions of dollar owed in the priest sex abuse settlement. But to evict hard-working nuns that have sacrificed all their lives and forsaken material gain in order to serve a needy community? And not provide them with other housing? In order to sell the property to help (nominally) pay off this settlement? Obviously, all the years of inhaling incense has finally had an adverse effect on the brain(s) of the individual(s) who dreamed up this brilliant plan. And people wonder why I’m no longer a practicing Catholic???

PIP preview: was it just me, or did Anderson look just a little concerned about giving up a pint of blood? Poor guy ... reminds me of, well, ME in the same situation ... but it'll be interesting to see what the test results are for his chemical exposure analysis, having lived in NYC all of his life. Not that living in a rural area is an automatic "shield" any more from exposure to hazardous chemicals.

tonight on Anderson Cooper 360°:

And I don’t like to leave without some “fun” stuff, if possible, so here are some screen caps from Anderson’s appearance yesterday on Sesame Street:

Here are a couple of pictures from Monday’s night’s Edward R. Murrow Awards presentation:

And you can catch a video clip from Anderson’s appearance on Late Night this past Monday here as well ...

And BEST of all – Anderson will be appearing on The Colbert Report tomorrow night – a FUN time to be had ... ;-)

Thanks for visiting - hope you had a terrific day!!


Anonymous said...

The evictions of the Nuns is unbelievable!! When I watching the program the other night and I heard Tod Tamberg make one comment in particular I was positive I heard wrong so yesterday went and checked the transcript and sadly I didn't hear wrong. He did actually say " I would say, quite candidly, that having to move from a house, in order to make right what happened wrong in the past, is probably a small price to pay." Unreal! really should have put up a warning before your incense comment. I spewed my tea I was drinking all over!:)

newsblooz said...

Yes, Mr. Tamberg did really say that ... my TV is lucky that I didn't throw something at it. That's exactly why I included the "Mahoney Cronies", as I call them, in my post.

Sorry about the tea ... ;-)